3D Headings is a program that allows you to create beautiful headings for your web pages. It is easy to use application, so you can create your headings in some minutes. First of all, you should select a background for your heading by clicking File menu Open – it can be any picture in bmp, jpeg, or gif formats or keep a white background if you want. Then write a heading in the appropriate field and customize it: you can choose a font, a font size. Also there are some options on the bottom: Inside, Edge, Outside and Deformation. Using them you can select font color and texture, also apply various effects: shade, light and deformation – rotate or curve. The main space is occupied by the Preview field, where you can see the output. Every time you change your heading, you should click the “Draw it!” button and see what you have created. Also you can use copy, paste and crop functions. The Redo and Undo functions are also included. The results can be printed or saved for further use. You have a chance to try a demo version before you buy it, but you can’t change the default text “Headings” in this version.